The Detailing Screens for the Portal Frame Columns
and Rafters are not on the Bracing Member Data screen.
Check for Main Frame
Column Flange Brace interferences with the Portal Frame Column.
Check for Main
Frame Column Type 10 & 11 Stiffener interferences.
If the S10 or S11
Stiffener is located on One Side, locate it on the Opposite Side of the Portal
Frame Clip.
If the S10 or S11
Stiffener is located on Both Sides, ask Design to try resizing the S10 or S11
to be One Side, then locate it on the Opposite Side of the Portal Frame Clip.
The S10 or S11
Stiffener can be removed using the Alternate Web Thickness. Notify the PM &
Designer when deleting the S10 or S11 Stiffener.
Portal Frame
Column & Rafter Data location:
The Member Data and Detailing Data are found in
Bracing - Location - Shape - Wall.
Then select the Portal Frame Tier.
Then select Properties.
Portal Frame Data:
Detailers should
only revise Member Data & Frame Data.
Any other
revisions will set the Design Status to NOT CURRENT and the building will need
to be re-designed & re-detailed.
This screen is the same as the Frame Member Data Screen.
How to use:
The Portal Frame
Rafter is designed with a Shop Slice in the middle. The 2 members will be
combined on the FSD.
This screen is the same as the Frame Data Screen.
Flush Portal
Portal Frames that
are input as Flush Columns to the Main Frame Columns (actually 1/2"
How to use:
The Main Frame S3
Stiffener needs to be shortened. Refer to Design Manual 2.13 & 2.13ex.
Verify the Portal
Frame was input correctly.
Portal Frame
Column Offset is 1/2".
The centerline of
the portal from building line needs to be at 7 5/8” for inset, 1’-0 ½” for
6.5”, and 1’-2 ½” for 8.5” girts.
Portal Frame
Rafter Offset of (Rise Purlin Depth + Approx FS +
5"). Sample: Rise of 8 1/2" + 3/4" + 5" = 1'-2 7/16"
Round up = 1'-3".
The Portal Frame Base of Column Elevation is
above the top of the Main Frame Base Plate by 1".
See also:
Member Data - Member Information
Frame Data
Bracing - Flush Portal
Frame (Input)